COMMUNITY: Afri-love Women

Afri-love Women is a safe space for real talk, for those who identify themselves as creative, African, women… who care as much about professional excellence, as they do about health and wellness. 

I created the group because I was craving a space to be real with like-minded ladies. I’ve been running my own creative business since 2009 and it’s been tough! And also wonderful. I’ve learned so much about myself, about my craft, about business, about the world, about life … and every day I’m learning more. A big part of this education has been thanks to the amazing women I’ve engaged with over the years: friends, family, clients, business acquaintances; women in my mastermind and networking groups; women I follow on Instagram… :)

There are several great forums but, I felt the need to create one that particularly involved women in the creative industry, where wellness was an integral part of the discussion. A space for us to support each other and to share and exchange our experiences – the joys, the challenges and the lessons.

Want to join in? Request your invitation here.