The SHINE program returns, to equip more creatives in building a profitable, sustainable and joyful business.



At the heart of SHINE is a series of 9 workshops to help you set up foundations for success.  You will implement mindset shifts, systems and processes to get your money right; to find ease in marketing and sales; and to become a brilliant version of yourself that is organised, purposeful and nourished.

Before we get into more details on SHINE,
let’s talk about who this program is really for…

You’re a passionate, maybe even multi-passionate creative who wants to make a living, doing the work you love. And yet you’re tired of struggling and sacrificing your dream life. You believe deep down there's a way to work and live in a more holistic way, that supports abundance, ease and joy. But you're not afraid of putting in the work either!
You're ready to build better. You've had enough of doubting yourself, procrastinating and self-sabotage. You want to feel purposeful and confident that you're working on the right things to achieve your goals. 

Whether you are:

In a 9-5 to support your lifestyle while building your creative business on the side.

You often have so little energy and brain power left that your business doesn’t really move forward. You feel trapped, overwhelmed and often discouraged but you’re not ready to give up. You know you need some guidance so you can work on the appropriate things. You want to give your business a realistic shot so you can eventually wave goodbye to that corporate situation.

Working in your creative business full-time but you’re not sure how much longer you can continue with the uncertain income.

You know this way isn’t working. You’re losing the joy for what you love and wondering whether they’re right about it not being possible to make a living as an artist. And yet, there are those wins every now and again that fuel that fire inside you that tells you you can make it work, with the right support.

Starting your creative venture and are ready to get down to business.

You’re going to do this right from the outset! You have no time to waste so you know it makes sense to learn from the experiences of those who’ve gone before you. You want access to frameworks, systems and templates so you can hit the ground running.

If you’re resonating with any of these scenarios, you’re in the right place! I’m going to tell you exactly how SHINE will give you the practical tools, mentorship and warm tough love, to support the transformation of your creative business.


The SHINE program came at the point in life when I needed it the most.

Going through the program, and learning all that I did towards building my business and making it a success, has given me the motivation and know-how to do exactly that.

All the sessions were very enlightening and made me dream bigger and want more for my business, as well as showed me how to make it happen.

I believe I am now ready and 'well-equipped' to build my ideal business and run it effectively. I look forward to implementing the lessons I learnt and achieving the business plans & goals I came up with during the program.

Thank you for making me and my business aspire to be more.”

Zainab Mejja Adam | Writer and Photographer


By the end of this program, you will have:

  1. Designed super clear goals, targets and an action plan, that will give you the confidence that you’re working on the right things, every day, to move your business forward.

  2. Established wellness rituals you can stick to, as well as a solid support system, to help you manage your energy and make space for nurturing your creative practice.

  3. Gained clarity on your purpose and a business that is aligned with it, in every way.

  4. Built confidence about your value and the tools to stand by it. You'll be comfortable saying 'no' to what doesn't serve you.

  5. Worked out pricing that enables you to make a profit.

  6. A streamlined offering, as well as routines and processes that help you make more money.

  7. Honed your point of difference so you can find and connect with your tribe.

  8. Set up a manageable system to reach more customers, online and offline.

  9. Crafted a stellar online presence and content creation formula that lets you and your business shine.

SHINE was like business surgery for me.

I got to step out of my business, be vulnerable to cut it open and begin to heal and work on various aspects that were creating blockages to my growth and expansion.

At the same time it was business therapy because I had a lot of my poor business mindset reflected back at me.

This was key because it revealed to me all the ways I wasn’t showing up for my business.

At the end of the program, I am the most confident and powerful I have ever been on my creative path.

I have all the tools, knowledge and structures I need to turn my dreams into a reality and truly shine unapologetically. The SHINE journey definitely requires lots of vulnerability, commitment and dedication.

I am extremely excited to see all the ways my business will blossom with all the work I am putting in during my implementation process.”

— Michelle Wanjiru | Founder and Creative Director, Oqkra and Bour


Don’t miss out on joining the next cohort!

Program kicks off in February 2023


It's like being given a lesson on life and how to best live it.

Every person I know, whether a business owner, student or an employee, could benefit greatly from SHINE.

Wanza | Owner, WonderfulVirtualAssistant

SHINE really helped me to see that it is possible to create a sustainable creative business…

… with the right systems, support and strategy in place.

— Parusha Naidoo | Illustrator & Cookbook Creator


I got into the SHINE program with so many expectations that were exceeded with every single module.

Right from the SHINE community to all the experts who were brought on board.

Lulu and her team took us through twelve weeks of well thought out modules that left me always eager to improve things in my business. I can confidently say that this program has changed my life not only in the business sphere but also mentally as well as physically!

These are gems that I will carry for a lifetime!”

Gladys Odote | Crochet Creative, Rarecreations_ke

Who would have known who you are as a person contributes to how you run a business?

Every day I used to ask myself what am I doing? Where is this business not working?

After participating in the SHINE program, everything I knew went out the window. It doesn't only work on your business but even on your self. The self-confidence of knowing what you want, how you want it and what happens when you achieve that is a blessing. Thank you Lulu Kitololo and the whole team – I have felt at home and understood.”

Wambui Gituiku | Founder, 902street

What’s inside SHINE

Small, simple changes can make a profound positive difference in your life. In the first 3 modules of SHINE, you'll explore ideas, strategies and tactics to create your own life-changing tiny transformations, in the following 3 key areas.


Workshop 1:

Getting organised

“If your boat is sinking, you really don’t care in which direction it’s pointed!”
― David Allen, Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity

SHINE is all about making all your business and creative goals a possibility this year and well into the future! Before you can focus on getting things moving in the direction towards profit, sustainability and joy, you have to spend time getting your personal systems on point. 

You’re going to set goals you’ll actually achieve, thanks to a simple, game-changing approach and supportive daily rituals we'll design together.

You’re going to fall in love with planning because it will allow you to spend time on all the things you love, not just on making your business work.

You’re going to unlock abundance, by getting your money infrastructure in place and your money behaviour right.


  • Design your goals for success.
    You’ll build in quarterly, monthly, weekly and daily routines for planning and reviewing progress. What may have sounded so dreary and tedious will now become something you absolutely look forward to!

  • Plan with synergy
    You’ll build in time to create, to work on your business and to have a life. You’ll start to truly experience what they mean when they speak about enjoying the journey and not just looking forward to the destination.

  • Set up your money systems
    You know those things that have been on your admin to-do list for years? Well, continuing to procrastinate on some of them is energetically and even tangibly holding you back. Get your house in order to receive!


Workshop 2:

Working with purpose

A lot of us want freedom regarding what and how we want to create. This freedom is often not only for our own satisfaction but, so we can add more value to others and make an impact. 

This session is so important not only for you and your soul but, also to reconnect with your inspiration in order to make smart decisions. Decisions that enable you to make money, stay well and continue to do what you love.


  • Check in with your purpose
    Embark on the most important step in the journey of monetising your creativity. Set yourself up to: deeply connect with your inspiration so you never experience a creative block again; make better decisions – even as a multi-passionate person who is often pulled in several directions at once; and find a sense of groundedness that naturally enables you to consistently show up and stay on track.

  • Align your business with your purpose

    Clarity of purpose provides you with a roadmap for conducting business on a day-to-day operations level too! You'll get clear on what your core values are and how you can infuse them into everything you do. This includes having a clear picture of who you want to work with – from clients to suppliers and collaborators – along with how you want to engage with them.

  • Craft your purposeful narrative
    You’ll be able to articulate your purpose and how your business serves it. This is important in establishing a niche and attracting your tribe, and then growing that audience by adding value to their lives in a deeply meaningful way!


Workshop 3:

Prioritising wellness

Here’s to no more burn-out just when you’re about to make a breakthrough! Sometimes we put work before taking care of ourselves and then end up losing all energy, motivation and sometimes health, before getting to that next level we’ve been working so hard to build!

Thus, a cycle begins with us spinning and spinning and never accessing our freedom. 

It’s time for all of that to end by making some simple commitments and building our follow-through muscle. Discover how ease can be … easy!


  • Establish supportive rituals
    In the span of this pandemic so far, my night owl self became an enthusiastic morning person! A rise before the sun and get the most important tasks done by lunchtime kind of girl. You too can install new habits, fresh routines and clear boundaries, that will help you crush your goals and live your ideal day, right now.

  • Review and improve your support systems
    Being your best self and creating your dream life is dependent on paying attention to your wellbeing (physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, financial – all of it!), as well as your energy! Support can come in different forms and you’ll get to determine what you truly need to put in place, in order to shine.

  • Nurture your creative practice
    You love what you do but, when it became business, something shifted and you lost that spark. Luckily, we can help bring it back! You will discover how to nurture your creativity on the regular, to keep your inspiration tank high and your creative joy alive.


The next 3 workshops focus on getting your money right.


Workshop 4:

Knowing your value

Our mindset is perhaps the most intangible piece in taking ourselves and our creativity seriously, and the one that will truly unlock everything for us.

We receive so much programming from our childhood experiences, that holds us back as adults, often in invisible ways. As a result of that, some of our attitudes and behaviours end up supporting scarcity and keeping us firmly in our comfort zone. Striving but never quite breaking through to the next level.


  • Shift your money blocks
    You’ll be guided to think about and interrogate your money mindset and create new narratives to facilitate abundance.

  • Get clear on what you’re really selling
    Hint: it’s not your product or service! You’ll develop a clear picture of the value you truly bring to your audience, so you can start relating with them on the level that they really care about. No more banging against a wall when you can simply unlock the door…

  • Get comfortable with negotiation
    With confidence about the limitless possibilities available to you, and clarity about the value you bring, you’ll be ready to stand by it with ease. In this workshop, you’ll set your non-negotiables and gain tools to help you guard these boundaries.


Workshop 5:

Pricing for profit

How many times have you kicked yourself for selling yourself short, yet again?! There is often so much secrecy around pricing and it can be difficult to know what’s competitive. We end up worrying so much about others and massively shortchanging ourselves. 

Well, let’s end the mystery right here in this workshop by breaking down another great marriage of art and science: pricing! 

Get a clear picture of your financial goals and outlays, so you know with confidence how much you need to charge, in order to facilitate your growth.

By the end of this section, you’ll be ready to unapologetically show and declare your prices without wavering or backing down from those who try to question them!


  • Get clear on how much money you need and want to make
    Few of us are able to actually articulate a number…... Which means that everything else we do is really just taking stabs in the dark. It’s time to add some calculations to your vision and gain clarity about what you’re working towards.

  • Understand the true cost of doing business
    Similarly, how often do you review just how much money you’re putting into your business? Have you taken into account the often invisible and usually forgotten costs too? It’s time to lay everything bare and, as a bonus, identify cost-cutting opportunities that may be right under your nose.

  • Price with confidence
    Learn how to set pricing that enables you to work with joy (not resentment), supports the lifestyle you desire (including regarding how much you want to work) and earns you a profit. You’ll also benefit from formulas and templates to help you and your support system generate pricing.


Workshop 6:

Making more money

“Measurement is fabulous. Unless you’re busy measuring what’s easy to measure as opposed to what’s important.”
— Seth Godin

Making more money requires you to fall in love with numbers! This affair is absolutely possible for everybody when you’re looking at the right ones. Which ones are those you may be wondering? The ones that are appropriate for you and your business. 

We can tie numbers to almost all of our goals and they can then serve as both a compass and a way to measure our progress as we work towards building a profitable business.

Making more money does indeed begin with a few key decisions.


  • Stop leaving money on the table

    You’ll learn a simple but powerful strategy to add value to your customers’ lives. More value to them means more value – i.e. sales and money – to you.

  • Set up systems to ensure you’re working on the right things
    You’ll get access to and customise the very templates I’ve created for my own business. This includes tools to track the targets you’ve set; tools to help you plan ahead and maintain a good cash flow; and tools to ensure you’re getting what you’re owed (drama-free!).

  • Create targets that make sense for you and your business

    You’ll determine the key areas you need to be focusing on at any given time and create routines to measure, analyse and act on their metrics. What’s juicy is that you’ll realise it’s not necessarily just the usual suspects to be considered!


The final three workshops delve into marketing and sales.


Workshop 7:

Building community

I attribute my successes to the amazing community that has rallied behind me through my business journey so far so, this is a topic I’m very passionate about.

You will realise that instead of getting caught up chasing likes and follows, your time is better spent building meaningful relationships with like-minded people. 

Perhaps you do this naturally but have never considered it as an asset to your business. Well, I’m here to not just tell you that it is but, to show you how to build a community that will support the growth of your business.


  • Define your target audience
    It begins with becoming super clear about who you’re serving and getting to know them as if they were your best friend. You’ll bring this person to life and unlock a flurry of ideas regarding how to serve them beyond expectation.

  • Get clear about the special way in which you serve them
    It’s important to understand where you fit in the bigger landscape of your peers (aka competitors). That way you know the exact spot to let your shine hit. You’ll also learn how to create mutually beneficial opportunities for collaboration and partnership.

  • Articulate your messaging and brand philosophy
    How do you sum up what you’re about in a few sentences? You’ll do just that in this section of SHINE. You’ll be able to clearly signpost to your ideal customers that you share their values and make it undeniable that you’re the right fit for them.


Workshop 8:

Reaching more customers

Take your destiny back into your own hands! No more waiting around for customers to show up and no more hustling talking to the wrong people either. 

Your work from the previous sections of SHINE will come together and help you design a marketing and sales funnel that will give you the structure to make these activities focused and even enjoyable. 

I don’t know about you but, the fun really begins when things are moving and working!

Let’s not forget the delight and positive feedback from customers who are thrilled to be seen, heard and satisfied.


  • Create a focused, manageable lead generation and sales strategy
    You don’t need a fancy, all bells and whistles strategy that you will never be able to execute. You need a simple framework that’s relevant for your business right now that inspires and moves you to act and keep that activity consistent. That’s where the results lie and this workshop will teach you how to design your own sales and marketing funnel.

  • Leverage the power of content marketing

    Content is no longer something to be done when you have time – it's an integral part of growing your brand and your business. It needs to be a priority if you want to grow and thrive. In this workshop you'll get clear on how to create intentional content that serves your audience and your business.

  • Establish effective online and offline engagement tactics

    There is no sense in trying to do all the things. You'll first determine which tactics make sense for your audience, your values and your strengths. In this digital age, we often forget the power of in-real-life and tactile human experiences. Which makes these all the more compelling and memorable. That's why that, along with plans for online, you'll also explore opportunities for you to shine offline and craft a few tactics to test.


Workshop 9:

Shining online

By the time you get to the end of the program, you’ll have built more and more confidence to deliver your shine to the world!

The power of the internet has most probably brought you and I together and I’m sure we can both appreciate how it has – and will continue – to change our world. 

Let’s use that power for good by giving ourselves a platform to serve our dreams. Let’s show up and turn up the brightness.


  • Address your barriers to showing up regularly and consistently
    We all have them and at some point they become super clear. We also know that self-knowledge is power so we can set up systems and processes to prepare for unexpected events and self-sabotage :)

  • Create a streamlined, optimised online presence
    All the clarity you’ve gained in the preceding weeks facilitates ease in knowing where to be present, why you’re doing it and thus, how to show up. You’ll ensure that all your online spaces make your heart sing and resonate with your ideal customers too.

  • Craft a content creation formula that lets you shine
    I’m saving what is perhaps my favourite piece of all of this to the last part of this workshop. Mostly because, creating content with intention rests on every single piece you’ve worked on up until this point. And since SHINE is underpinned by habits, rituals, routines and systems, we will crown it all off with one that will make content creation an exciting creative exercise, even if you never thought it could be so!

Generate momentum in your business – start making more money and more impact

  • 9 implementation workshops showing you everything you need to do

    Complete with workbooks, templates, scripts and supplementary resources.

  • Bonus workshops, led by experts

    Covering key topics including Intellectual Property, Tax and Accounting.

  • A bonus training on finding your voice

    Learn how to present your creative business in an authentic and soulful way.

We’ve added these bonuses to help you get past your mental barriers and get things done


Bonus 1

12 weeks… the private SHINE WhatsApp group for members only

(A $1,197 value)

What you’ll get:

  • 12 weeks of live workshop recap sessions, complete with an interactive Q+A segment, to help you quickly get unstuck as you work on implementing everything you’re learning.

  • A community of supportive, like-minded creatives to learn and gain inspiration from. It helps to know you’re not alone in your struggles and to celebrate wins together!


Bonus 2

Weekly accountability sessions

(A $897 value)

What you’ll get:

  • 12 weeks of live planning sessions to help you set up each week and month for success. You'll learn new formats for planning that you can continue to use for years.

  • 12 weeks of live coworking sessions – with extra accountability to get things done by joining a weekly, virtual, quiet working session 

  • Access to a SHINE Spotify playlist – access tunes to get you in the goal-crushing mood and add your recommendations to the list too!


Bonus 3

SHINE swag

(A $87 value)

What you’ll get:

  • Wallpaper for your devices and printable posters featuring beautiful reminders to shine, featuring artwork designed by our studio!

Upon payment, you are assured of a risk-free 30-Day Guarantee!

Let me reiterate that SHINE is a comprehensive program for creatives who are tired of the starving artist narrative and are committed to being taken seriously. Creatives who are ready and excited to embrace systems and processes in order to build profitable and sustainable businesses.

You’ll be in a supportive community with other ambitious, motivated members who are also great human beings :).

By the end of the 30 days, you’ll have received access to the first 3 workshops and bonus materials. 

That means, you’ll have had the opportunity to get organised; to establish systems for getting things done; to get your finance processes in order and; to align your different business activities with your purpose BEFORE making a final commitment.

If at that point you’re not confident you can go deeper into getting your money right and getting comfortable with marketing and sales, just let us know, show us the work you’ve done and we’ll refund your investment. Full details here.

Build momentum from today!

Join the SHINE waiting list and you’ll receive resources and invitations to virtual events – to get support you from right now.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • Structure is one of my favourite things and the program has been designed to help you move, step-by-step, through the material. If you trust the process, you will be amazed at how much you’re able to achieve in the next 12 weeks which, for perspective, equates to a quarter of the year.

  • Workshops will take place in weeks 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10 and 11. The materials for each will be released at least a week ahead of the live session. Recordings of the live sessions will be available a couple of hours after each call.

  • There will be weekly live Q+A Zoom call with Lulu. If you’re unable to attend live, you will have the opportunity to submit your questions for consideration during the call.

    You’re also welcome to ask questions in the WhatsApp group, at any point, which Lulu and your fellow participants will be able to respond to.

  • This program is designed for people who are serious about establishing or growing a creative business. If you’re not ready to give your business an 100% effort, you may not be able to keep up with the demands of the program.

    But if you’re ready to build a profitable, sustainable business that gives you the freedoms you desire, then you’re in the right place.

  • Workshops will run for 2 hours each. This time will include teaching, implementing and questions and answers.

    There will be an additional, optional Q+A session each week, for up to 1 hour. Engaging with me and your peers, in the WhatsApp group, is also optional but, will enhance your SHINE experience.

    The workshop-style of the core 9 modules means that you’ll be doing a good chunk of work, in-session. To get the most out of your investment, you will want to devote additional time to reviewing and adding to this work (there will also be worksheets and templates to guide you). The amount of time needed will vary for everybody but I’d recommend blocking out chunks of time to focus, adding up to at least 3 hours per week. That’s under half an hour every day – the length of a very short session of Instagram scrolling!

    Weeks 4 and 8 are implementation weeks where there will be no workshop so, that’s an additional 3 hours you can devote to working.

  • Let us know before the first 30 days of the program have lapsed, show us the work you’ve done and we’ll refund your money. No love lost!


Still marinating on it?

As a creative, I bet you’re not a complete stranger to doing things outside your comfort zone and taking bold leaps.


You should give SHINE a 30-day risk-free shot if any of the following resonates with you:

You’re tired of struggling

You’re tired of not knowing how you’ll meet your bills this month. Tired of continuously offering discounts, accepting peanuts and settling for exposure bucks. You know you have something to offer the world that’s much more valuable than that. 

Sometimes you wish you had chosen a more “stable” career path. So you could afford to join your peers for elaborate dinners and exotic trips or even treat yourself once in a while and still have money in the bank for sensible things like investing.

You’re too old to be living like this and it’s crunch time. Something HAS to change. What you’ve been doing isn’t working so you’re ready to invest a few months to get your money right, embrace marketing and sales and establish the foundations for the success you deserve.

You’re ready for the trajectory of your life to change.

You’re overwhelmed by all the advice out there

You know you need to work ON your business. So-and-so’s marketing expert cousin suggests this strategy; your old college classmate has been killing it with this other approach; and that girl on YouTube has all the gems. 

All the advice and inspiration is great but, in truth, you feel like you’re all over the place. You start and stop and in the end, you don’t really get anywhere. There is no structure and no order and you’re not getting results.

You’ve realised you want somebody who understands your journey to give you a roadmap you can follow and to provide accountability and along the way.

You’re ready to devote 12 weeks of time and focus to do what you’ve been procrastinating on doing for years.

You’re afraid

Of shining! You hate to admit it but, deep down you know it’s true. 

You know you’re brilliant. You know you have what it takes. But self-sabotage, in its many different disguises, keeps getting in the way. 

You know that some tough love and a supportive community of like-minded creative entrepreneurs can help you tackle your lack of confidence, your imposter syndrome and that plain fear.

This is the year you stand up to your limiting beliefs and show them you’re no longer playing games. You’re prepare to dig deep, for 12 weeks, and come out the other side with your old friend self-doubt as a stranger.

I’m so excited to work with you over the 12 weeks.

My goal has always been to design a life of time freedom, location freedom and financial freedom and creative freedom. I’ve been self-employed since 2009 and have run a registered creative business since 2010. But many of those freedoms I desire were elusive until I started to appreciate what I’d read about so often – that, for my business to change, I had to change in significant ways. 

When I started to install habits, routines, systems and processes – in my life and in my business – I started to experience more ease AND abundance! Having structure gave me the foundation to truly shine.

And because I truly believe that creativity changes the world, it’s so important for me to channel my energy, knowledge and experience, into supporting other creative business owners, like yourself, to thrive! I want you to have clarity of purpose, as well as the confidence that you’re working on the right things to move your business forward.

SHINE is the culmination of 5 years of work creating learning programs to support business owners. I invite you to take this risk-free step to join me for these 12 weeks and change the course of your life.

I look forward to spending time with you inside SHINE.

Lulu Kitololo

SHINE has completely shifted how I show up everyday.

The clarity I got workshop after workshop was amazing and I took action consistently.

I loved Lulu's teaching style. All my questions were answered and it was the most supportive community I've been in with other creatives like me.”

Jacinta Amutsa | Launch Strategist + Brand Storyteller

See you inside the next cohort of SHINE!

Start your journey by joining our community today.